Saturday, August 23, 2014

You Were Right

"You were right."

You have no idea how often those three words pop out of my mouth or run through my mind as I think of you throughout the day.  I'm always thinking of things you said, things you taught me, wisdom you passed my way.  I see your words fulfilled all the time in my life.  You discerned so much.  I'm still living off your insights.  You were brilliant.  Your mind was from the future.  I'm still catching up with you.

And in a moment you were gone.  Left; forever.  No more to give me.  No more help.  I've got a limited supply of your wisdom, and it fades each day with my feeble memory.

You were always with me, and now you're always gone.  You couldn't handle the clouds.  You couldn't bear the darkness.  You couldn't live with you.  You couldn't live at all.  You decided to go.  You decided to leave.  You knew what you were doing.

You were right.

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