Friday, January 24, 2020

Running For Mendicant

How you've been, what's new?

I'm running for president.

Of what, president president?

Yeah, times have come.

What's the impetus?

My platform, solutions.

Such as?

Suicides are on the rise.  Mass shootings are on the rise.

So combine them?

Dang, you're running too?

Monday, January 14, 2019

Grave Bobbin'

Hey how you doin?

How can I help you?

Yeah, I'd like to take over payments for this grave listed here, for, you know, the uh, landscaping, grass care, you know, whatever...

Ok no problem, just send in this amount listed here.

Okay, cool, and that's for, the uh, for the life of the grave?


Sunday, June 24, 2018

On What Basis Is Suicide Bad?

On what basis is suicide bad?

It's wrong.  Suicide is immoral.

Says who?  That's entirely subjective.

Ok, suicide is selfish.  It causes the survivors a lot of pain.

Actually, that's you being self-centered.  You lack empathy.  You're saying it's bad based on you.

Ok....Suicide is unacceptable to society.

Society's acceptance is in constant flux.  Society promotes all sorts of things today that it once abhorred.  

Ummmm.  Well, suicide shows that you have no hope, you gave up, you needed help but didn't get it.

Surely you don't want to start blaming the victim like that, do you?

Ugh!  Okay, fine, why don't you tell me why suicide is good?

Wait, did I say bad?

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Did Nirvana Break Up?

I was crying the other day on the subway about 9/11.

Oh yeah?  It's been a while.

Yeah.  I saw a advertisement for the 9/11 museum.


It said "Truck Three... We are still going up."  That was the last recorded transmission from one of the firefighters from FDNY Firehouse 3.

Wow.... That's heavy.


Crazy how an ad in a subway can make you get emotional.


Were there any ads about depression or suicide?

Thankfully yes.  I needed a good laugh.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Boo Who

What are you going to be for Halloween this year?

A suicide survivor.

Sounds like a pretty cheap costume.

It actually costs a lot.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Blaise Pascal Suicide Part One

"All men seek happiness.

This is without exception.

Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end.

The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views.

The will never takes the least step but to this object.

This is the motive of every action of every man,

even of those who hang themselves."

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Society to Prevent Suicide Prevention

Hey!  Why are you marching in the wrong direction?  We're all going this way.

I realize that, and I appreciate what you think you're trying to do.  You're marching to prevent suicide, and that's admirable of you.

Well, thanks, but, what are you marching for?

I'm marching to prevent suicide prevention.  I'm a member of SPSP, the Society to Prevent Suicide Prevention.

What?  Really?  That's crazy!

I'm sorry if I offend you.  I'm sure your intentions are good.  But I'm actually suicidal myself, and I don't want to be prevented by you.  I need to die.  I want to die.  It's supposed to happen.  By you keeping me here you are prolonging my pain.  You're preventing my loved ones from finding relief in a new life where they are no longer burdened by my depression and suicide attempts.  Taking it upon yourself to stop everyone from committing suicide is incredibly myopic and presumptuous, and fails to take into account the needs of the individual and the uniqueness of each person.  I can't support your narrow minded view, no matter how well intentioned you may think you are.

Well... your donations to us are tax deductible.

So you're okay with the certainty of taxes?