Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween from Ratchet and Catchit

                                                You still haunt me

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Detached Row Houses of Soundview, Lovely View, Garbage Included

                                You still live in Soundview?
                                  in Soundview.
                               Same detached row house?
                                    Still detached.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Thinking of You This Weak

                                   Just an anniversary card.
                  It was 20 years ago tonight that you first attempted to take your own life.
                  I barely knew you, but we were in the same circle of friends.
The next day I didn't see you around.  I asked where you were and heard you were rushed to the hospital last night.
Of course, the story was circulated that you had had a bad reaction to your medication.
I guess that's one way to put it.
So I found out what treatment center you were in, and I started writing you letters.
And that began our friendship, which led to our romance, which led to our marriage.
                                Which led to my suicide!
                         Oh man, we almost sounded sweet there for a second.
                                   Almost as sweet as ever